The ART School at BINDERS is proud to present a unique workshop, Breaking The Rules: The Mixed Media Solution with Sara Claire Chambless this Saturday July 24 from 10-4pm. The basic premise for this one day seminar is the belief that “breaking the rules” allows the artist to freedom to create an authentic statement in their work. To this end, the world of mixed media painting is explored reviewing both traditional methods and innovative techniques developed by the instructor.
Back by popular demand, Impressionist Paintings from Photos with J.Z.Torre will be happening on Wednesdays, 6 Sessions, July 28-Sept. 1, 1-4pm or 6-8:30pm. Gain the freedom and know-how to re-create your photos into exciting Impressionist-style paintings -- in acrylics! (Oil painters are welcome, too.) Step-by-step you will master how to transform any photos into heirloom quality paintings. The instructor takes the mystery out of the “direct” painting, enabling you to become a modern Impressionist using acrylic paints. To learn more about J.Z.Torre, read a recent conversation that we posted here on our blog! Sign up online or drop by the store and speak with an associate to reserve your space today!
Guided Open Studio with Kay Powell
10:30am-2pm, Every Monday | Beginner to Intermediate | Fee: $17/per session. Please pay the instructor. No registration necessary
Tuesday, July 20:
Calligraphy Two: Copperplate with Anne Elser
1:30-4pm, Tuesdays 6 sessions, July 20-August 24 | Beginner-Intermediate
Sale price until July 7: $140 After July 7: $155
Bookmaking 2: The Opened Book with Anne Elser
6-8:30pm, Tuesdays, 6 sessions, July 20-Aug. 24 | Intermediate - Advanced
Sale price until July 7: $140, After July 7: $155
Wednesday, July 21:
Calligraphy Three: Advanced Calligraphy with Anne Elser
6-8:30pm, Wednesdays, 6 sessions, July 21-Aug. 25 | Intermediate - Advanced
Sale price until July 8: $140 After July 8: $155
Thursday, July 22:
Fearless Watercolor Landscapes II with Susan Bradford 6-8:30pm, Thursdays, 6 Sessions, July 8-Aug. 19 (No class July 29)
Intermediate | Fee: $155
Friday, July 23:
No special art events today.Saturday, July 24:
Breaking The Rules: The Mixed Media Solution with Sara Claire Chambless10-4pm, Sat. July 24 | Open to all levels (all materials included, bring a sack lunch)
Sale price until July 9: $75, After July 9: $90
Sunday, July 25:
No special art events today.
Please note: Classes on this schedule are in our Atlanta store unless otherwise indicated. For more information please email or call Eli Pelizza at 404.237.6331 ext. 203.
Check out the full list of our upcoming art classes and art workshops! Sign up for 5 classes, workshops or demos and receive 25% OFF of your next sign up.

an exhibit of paintings by eleven acclaimed local artists
July 6 - August 1
Artwork by: Kathy Butler, Marsha Chandler, Betty Derrick, Louise Faurot, Kathy Rennell Forbes, Pat Hahn, Deanna Jaugstetter, Linda LeTard, Marie Matthews, Mickey McConnell and Jane Springfield
Visit BINDERS website!